Hi, I’m Matt. Welcome to Poodle Mix World. I hope you find the content on the site enjoyable and informative.
The idea of creating a web site around these great breeds was conceived when my friend Charlie (a Poochon/Bichpoo) came into our family.
We had discussed getting a new puppy for some time and I had been researching poodle mix breeds (we had a Golden Retriever previously) as my son had recently been diagnosed with asthma and if I am honest a non-shedding dog also appealed from a clean house perspective. I am an analytical person (I have spent my working life as an engineer and Project Manager) and as such embarked on gathering as much information as I could in preparation.
We are a typical family; I work full time, my wife part time and my teenage children are at school and college. If we were going to bring a dog into the family it had to be the right match and we had to have the time and effort available to give our new addition the time and care it deserved.

I have to admit I was angling for a Labradoodle (shut your ears Charlie!) but a friend of my wife was getting a Poochon and having visited the litter we acquired Charlie the brother of their puppy.
Fast forward 15 months (at time of writing) and I think we have been successful, thus far, in raising a contented, friendly and confident dog who has become a loved and integral part of our family.
During research and frequenting forums it became apparent there were many reoccurring questions posed by prospective and current owners. I thought it would be of value to bring together lots of information and guidance in one place for those wanting an insight into poodle mix breeds and for ‘regular’ owners looking to raise a happy pup. I strongly believe getting the basics right early alleviates problems that can lead to physical and behavioral problems sometimes leading to avoidable re-homing etc.
Some of the Articles will be based on my own experiences, some will be produced by experts in their fields and some will be investigative features. All are aimed at maximizing the relationship we have with our dogs.
Our objective is that Poodle Mix World will become a go-to resource and community of like-minded people. If you have any feedback or if there are topic areas you would like covered then please contact us. We would love it if you followed us so we are always in touch.