Schnoodle Pros and Cons – 16 Great Nuggets of Info

By: Matt
Last Updated:

Schnoodles are members of the Doodle family, or dog breeds crossed with a purebred Poodle. They’re intelligent, adorable, and high-energy, but what are the Schnoodle pros and cons?

After looking through all the Schnoodle-related studies, articles, and experiences of Schnoodle owners, we’ve broken down their pros and cons. You may find some cons are pros for your lifestyle and vice versa.

To understand the Schnoodle more efficiently, you’ll need an idea of their origin. Although there are multigenerational Schnoodles, they’re originally a cross between a Poodle and Schnauzer. Schnoodles came to be in the 1980s when Poodle mixes grew in popularity. 

The initial goal with the Schnoodle was to breed a low-shedding dog. Since they’ve been around for a while, it’s clear that low dander is one of many positive traits.

You can find Schnoodles in various sizes and coat colors. Although they’re traditionally small dogs, there are larger mixes with the Giant Schnauzer and Standard Poodle parents.

If you already know about Schnauzers and Poodles, you likely have a decent idea of what a Schnoodle is like. However, there are a few traits that may surprise you. Here are the top sixteen Schnoodle pros and cons.

Schnoodle Pros

Here are the pros of adopting and owning a Schnoodle.

They Make Excellent Companion Pets

If you’re looking for a breed that’s loving and loyal to their owners, the Schnoodle may be the right choice. Whether you opt for a small or large-sized Schnoodle, you’ll get a dog with a deep connection to their owners.

The most common Schnoodles are miniature or toy, making them excellent lap dogs. Because they have a caring and intelligent nature, these pups are commonly therapy dogs.

These incredible dogs can quickly learn your requests; once they connect with you, they will be your life companion.

They’re Protective

Not only are Schnoodles loving creatures, but they’re also protective of their families and homes. They’ll immediately alert you if they hear any unusual noise or suspect something suspicious is happening.

Although small Schnoodles can alert you, they likely won’t scare off an intruder. On the other hand, Standards are ideal for this job as they not only alert you but can be intimidating to strangers.

Because Schnoodles are intelligent and protective, it’s crucial to ensure puppies get proper socialization. Otherwise, these often positive traits can turn into negative and destructive ones.

Schnoodles Make Great Family Pets

Schnoodles are a friendly breed that is social and family-oriented. They love giving little ones attention and love receiving it back.

If you have children with a lot of energy, then they’ll have a perfect playmate with the Schnoodle. These pups enjoy lots of play and exercise, so they can keep the kids busy and vice versa.

Naturally, Standard Schnoodle breeds are more sizable than the toy or miniature. So, sometimes Standards are better with small children as tiny puppies can easily get hurt. Accidents happen, and sometimes toddlers don’t realize how strong they are.

In any case, it’s always vital to ensure young children are never alone with a puppy to help prevent accidental injury to the child or dog.

Schnoodles Get Along Well With Other Dogs

Like most Doodle breeds, Schnoodles are social breeds that are happy to meet people and other dogs. They’re highly playful and enjoy playing with other pups, even as they grow into their senior year.

Because Schnoodles also have a territorial nature, you’ll want to socialize with your dog at a young age. Early socialization ensures that your pup won’t see other animals as a threat and instead see them as friends.

Additionally, the friendly Schnoodle typically gets along with other large pets, like cats. However, you’ll need to slowly acclimate any new puppy to current pet members of the household.

It’s important to note that Schnoodles have a moderate prey drive, so it’s best not to leave them alone with hamsters or other small animals. 

They’re Intelligent

With a Poodle parent, it’s no surprise that Schnoodles are an intelligent breed. Poodles are ranked as the second smartest dogs in the world, while the Miniature Schnauzer is 12th and the Standard Schnauzer is 22nd.

So, their intelligence may vary depending on the generation. For example, if a breeder pairs a Poodle with a Schnoodle, they’ll have a chance of being intelligent.

Luckily, neither dog is known as unintelligent, so either way, there’s a good chance they’ll be smart.


They’re Obedient

Being the loyal breed they are, they are obedient to their owners. However, they can be stubborn, so you’ll need to train them from a young age.

You’ll need to be more patient with this hybrid than other Doodles, but it’s rewarding in the end. Luckily, this breed is relatively easy to train.

Although stubborn, they’re also highly intelligent and eager to please. They enjoy the training process as long as you do it consistently from a young age. This breed, like most, responds best to positive reinforcement.

Schnoodles Are Low-Shedding

If you have a pet allergy, a Schnoodle may be a top choice due to their low-shedding nature. However, it’s important to note that there’s no actual hypoallergenic dog, as every breed releases some allergen-causing dander.

If you have dog allergies, it can help to use a HEPA air purifier to clean the air of any dander released, no matter which breeds you get.

They Have a Long Lifespan

One prominent concern pet parents have is lifespan. After all, we want to keep our dogs with us as long as possible. Luckily, Schnoodles, specifically Toy and Mini Schnoodles, have an average life expectancy of 12-16 years.

That said, ensuring you provide your pup with adequate care is essential. Ensure you’re giving your dog the proper food portions for their size and plenty of exercise.

If you keep up with their care and vet appointments, your Schnoodle may surpass the average life expectancy.

Schnoodles Come in Various Sizes and Colors

One fantastic aspect is the various sizing and color options that are available. Depending on the parent breed sizes, you can find Schnoodles in adult sizes ranging from 6 pounds to 75 pounds.

So, whether you’re looking for a tiny lapdog or a large breed to go on adventures with, you’ll find a Schnoodle that matches your lifestyle.

Additionally, there are several coat colors within each size. Although the most common colors are black and grey, you can find them in nearly every other shade, like cream or red. You can also find some breeds with more than one color combination.


Schnoodle Cons

Here are some of the cons of having a Schnoodle breed.

You’ll Need to Groom Regularly

Although you won’t need to worry about finding dog hair all over your floor, Schnoodles need regular grooming. Because the Schnoodle has two different parents, it’s hard to say the extent of the grooming each hybrid dog will need.

For example, if a Schnoodle takes after the Poodle parent, they’re more likely to have curly, soft hair. If they take after the Schnauzer, they’ll probably have wiry and long fur.

On average, the Schnoodle needs a good brushing at least 3-4 times a week, or more if you notice any tangles.

Because they have long hair, you’ll need to ensure your pup gets regular baths and trims. Long hair can get dirty quickly, so regular baths keep their coats clean and healthy.

Untrimmed fur near their faces can distort or completely block their vision. It’s also possible for the hair to get in their eyes, which can cause eye infections.

Schnoodles Can Be Stubborn

Although Schnoodles are intelligent, they’re also independent thinkers and sometimes have a mind of their own.

Therefore, training your pup from a younger age allows them to see you as the owner and encourages them to listen to you.

If their stubbornness gets in the way of their training, attending a professional puppy training class can be beneficial.

They Have Lots of Energy

Depending on what you’re looking for in a dog, a Schnoodles high energy nature can be a pro or a con. Due to their energy and intelligence, it’s vital to ensure they get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.

Take your Schnoodle on at least one walk a day, though a couple of walks is even better. You’ll also want to play with your pup sometime during the day. Aim to give your Schnoodle 50-60 minutes of exercise daily.

Regular training (clicker training is great) is a must to keep your dog mentally stimulated. Teach your pup the basic commands like sit, stay, and come. As they learn the basics, these intelligent dogs can advance into more challenging tricks like “roll over.”

They’re Barkers

While their protective nature can provide you with a sense of security, the barking may be annoying for some pet owners. Schnoodles that take more of the Schnauzer genes are more prone to barking.

If you opt for a Standard Schnauzer, their talkative nature may be a positive as they’ll make excellent watchdogs. However, no matter the size, this breed is prone to excessive barking.

If you live in an apartment or have a baby that needs plenty of sleep, there may be better choices than a Schnoodle. Alternatively, you could seek a breeder with Schnoodle and Poodle parents.

Some Schnoodles May Have Separation Anxiety

Any breed can suffer from separation anxiety, though Schnoodles are more prone to it than some other breeds. These pups get heavily attached to their owners and may struggle when left alone for long periods.

This disorder can affect Schnoodles before, during, or after their owners leave them alone. Some signs your dog is experiencing separation anxiety are howling, barking, whining, destructive chewing, or urinating in the home.

Take your Schnoodle to a veterinarian if you suspect they have separation anxiety.

They’re Prone To Certain Medical Conditions

All dogs are prone to diseases that get passed down from their parents. Luckily, Schnoodles can benefit from hybrid vigor, which means they get positive traits from each parent.

Some diseases that Schnoodles are prone to include eye diseases or infections, hip dysplasiaAddison’s Disease, or epilepsy.

One of the main ways to ensure you get a healthy pup is to choose a responsible dog breeder from the beginning. Your breeder should be able to show you the health history of the parents and allow you to visit with the parents and puppies.

From there, keep your vet visits up-to-date and take your dog to the vet if they exhibit any unusual symptoms. 

Schnoodles Can Be Pricey

Lastly, Schnoodles can be pricey, especially if you go through a reputable breeder. On average, Schnoodles will cost anywhere between $1,500-$6,000. The price difference is due to the varying sizes and color combinations.

Standard Schnoodles and Schnoodles with rare color combinations tend to cost more.


Have you considered adopting a dog and wondering what the Schnoodle pros and cons are? Schnoodles are great family pets, hypoallergenic, loyal, and protective of their families. On the other hand, they can be talkative, stubborn, and need regular grooming.       

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Enthusiastic Poochon/Bichpoo/Bichonpoo (how many names) Owner. Husband, Father and Dog walker extraordinaire.

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